Mobile Gaming, Tips and Guides

PUBG Mobile Miramar Guide: Vending Machines and Golden Mirado Locations

PUBG Mobile Miramar map showing Vending Machine location

PUBG Mobile’s version 3.3 is intended to provide a lot of fun and interesting features in the game, but Vending Machines and the Golden Mirado hold top honors on Miramar. Several players are anxiously waiting to get hold of such items, although they do not spare much chance in searches. Here comes the good news for fellow gamers; we have an assured top guide for you that will help unveil where to find the most demanded items and give you a much-needed edge over your next match.

Vending Machines: Your New Best Buddy

What are vending machines?

Vending Machines is a new feature available on PUBG Mobile for Miramar map. The machines offer a unique loot by dispensing Painkillers and Energy Drinks that will see you through the battle for a long time. And that great luck when you get not one but a few Energy Drinks in one go!

Top Locations for Vending Machines

1. Los Leones

Los Leones is one Vending Machines location, with three confirmed locations:

  • All three locations are within 4-6 story blue buildings
  • Check the ground floor of these buildings for the best chance of finding a machine

2. Chumacera

Don’t forget this smaller city! Chumacera has:

  • One confirmed Vending Machine location
  • Look for a 2-story yellow building
  • Bonus: Chumacera also provides excellent overall loot opportunities

3. Pecado

Pecado is an absolute goldmine for Vending Machine hunters, with four prime locations:

  • The famous arena (or stadium) – check the top floor
  • The ground floor verandah area of L-building
  • The ground floor of a 6-story blue building
  • The Pecado casino (an officially confirmed location)

Other Possible Sites

Look out for Vending Machines in:

  • Arenas
  • Gas stations
  • Motels
  • Commercial buildings
  • La Cobreria
  • El Pozo

Pro Tip: Always investigate the ground floor of large blue buildings, as those are the most probable locations of these precious machines.

Pubg Golden Mirado

The Elusive Golden Mirado

What Is the Golden Mirado?

The Golden Mirado is an open-hood version of the classic vehicle Mirado in PUBG Mobile, the splendorous golden muscle car. It’s not all about looks; it is still the fastest means of crossing vast lengths of Miramar, having acceleration speed up to 165km/h on straight roads.

Where to Find Golden Mirado

There is only one Golden Mirado per match, unlike Vending Machines. So here’s a little insider tip:

  • Confirmed Location: Hacienda del Patron
  • Look for it parked in the garage
  • Be the first to grab it and drive over the desert in style!

Strategy Tactics

  1. Keep an eye on your drop location for Vending Machines
  2. Use your Vending Machines only when it is very necessary as it turns you into a blur to others
  3. Vending Machine Locations are to be used with care – shattering a vending machine might get you exposed
  4. You see the Golden Mirado, Take it – is a high-value target

pubg Miramar location

Bonus: Supply Item Shops

Keep in mind the item shops around Miramar are new to the game:

  • Shop tokens to fill in your loadout
  • Usually these shops stay at the center of every major cities.


Master locations of Vending Machines and the Golden Mirado in PUBG Mobile Miramar. This guide will help plan moves, get valuable resources, and finally have a better chance at getting that long-awaited Chicken Dinner.

Were you able to find locations of the Vending Machines or Golden Mirado? Share them in the comments below, and help other players take control of Miramar!

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